by Stephanie Sweany | Jun 25, 2018 | Take Action, What's Happening
Junior Hunger Fighters Camp: The Next Generation of Hunger Fighters! Stark County Hunger Task Force is happy to announce its Junior Hunger Fighter Camp. Funded by the Summertime Kids Grant, through Stark Community Foundation, Junior Hunger Fighters Camp aims to train...
by Stephanie Sweany | Apr 10, 2018 | Take Action, What's Happening
As the number of individuals and households seeking food assistance continues to rise, the importance of the local, charitable response is more critical than ever. But in order to adequately meet the demand food assistance, and those of our growing food pantry...
by Stephanie Sweany | Apr 6, 2018 | General, Take Action, What's Happening
Tee off on our hunger-fighting team While we choose between a nine iron and a wedge, many of our neighbors are choosing between basic necessities and food. When most families are hungry, they go to a grocery store; for thousands of residents in Stark County who are...
by Stephanie Sweany | Mar 12, 2018 | Take Action, What's Happening
We are kicking of our annual Hunger at Home Campaign with an agency wide Day of Service on April 4th called “Spring Into Action”. “Spring Into Action” serves to mobilize employees from businesses across the county, tackling projects throughout...
by Stephanie Sweany | Oct 31, 2017 | Take Action, What's Happening
In recognition of National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness month, every November, The Stark County Hunger Task Force observes “Hunger Awareness Month,” or H.A.M. for short. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, Hunger Awareness Month is a time set aside to focus on...
by Stephanie Sweany | Aug 30, 2017 | Take Action
The SCHTF has wonderful partnerships with the Canton Palace Theatre and the Canton Civic Center to usher their performances, concerts and shows. With every hour of your time, we are able to earn dollars to help battle against local hunger. We have ushered concerts...