Fight Hunger This Fall and Winter
By: Stephanie Sweany|Published on: Sep 30, 2020||

We here at Stark County Hunger Task Force are dedicated to fighting hunger through the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact our services are needed now more than ever. Help us continue to fight hunger by becoming a volunteer. We have opportunities available five days a week to join our team of Hunger Fighters. Here are a few of areas where volunteers are most needed:
Our Emergency Pantry
Volunteer opportunities Monday-Friday with flexible shifts between 9am-3pm. Volunteer responsibilities may include assisting clients with menus, packing carts, and assisting clients to their vehicles. Contact Steve at for more info.
Our Senior Box Program
Help some of our most vulnerable citizens, our seniors. Volunteers will assist with sign in and loading boxes in client’s vehicles. Each box weighs approximately 30 pounds. Shifts are available the first Wednesday and Thursday of each month between 9:30am-2:30pm. Contact Stephanie at for more info.
Our Backpack for Kids Program
We are currently providing close to 800 Backpacks a week to local children through our Backpack for Kids program. We have also added an additional shift for our Remote Learner program.
Safety measures are in place. Mask are required to enter the building, social distance measures are being followed, as is a cleaning routine. We have a supply of mask available if someone is in need.