April 10, 2015 – April 17, 2015 all-day
Sara Dieringer
Strike Out Hunger Food Drive

Spring is here, and you know what that means — it’s time to dust off your batting gloves and catcher’s mitts, and head out onto the field to warm up that throwing arm! We’re celebrating the return of America’s favorite pastime and the Indians Home Opener, but we also know that unlike baseball or softball, hunger takes no off-season. 1 in 6 Stark County residents struggles to put food on the table, and 1 in every 4 children live in a food-insecure household. Over 57,000 individuals in this community are hungry.

The SCHTF invites YOU to take action. Step up to the pitcher’s mound from April 10th-17th and help us achieve our goal: to collect 1,000 pounds of food for the hungry in Stark County as we come together to Strike Out Hunger.

  • Organize a food collection or volunteer to become a drop site
  • Provide 7 pounds of food for every $1 donated
  • See the main blog post for more details.